Monday, April 29, 2013

Our Journey Out to the Northwest

We left Kiawah Island, S.C. at 2 AM and were looking forward to a nice drive of peace and quiet and just being able to talk with one another.  Well Auty had another agenda... Let's cry until 4AM THEN go to sleep!  Anyway, after finally 12 hours in the car we decided to stop in Mississippi for the night.

We just picked any spot off the map to stay the night, which ended up being Tupelo, MS. We soon find out it is not only the birth place of Elvis Presley, but also the home of the man being accused of sending the ricin-lased letters to the president!!  What are the odds!

One of many guitar statues found throughout the city of Tupelo, MS

After we arrived in Tupelo we decided to walk the streets of the small city.  It felt like we were part of the show, The Walking Dead.  No one was around, all the stores were closed and it was 2pm on a Saturday afternoon!  Very eerie.

Everything in the city revolved around the history of Elvis being born here and living here until the age of 13.  

After 12 hours in the car we went to the only place open in Tupelo for some Mint Juleps and food.  Turned out to be a pretty nice place.

After a night of vicious thunder storms and crazy partiers across the hallway, who were actually older than us and partying until the wee hours of the morning (good for them!), we left bright and early again to continue on, since there really wasn't much to do in Tupelo, MS anyway.  When we stopped at a rest stop about 30 miles down the road to fill up on gas and caffeine refills, in the middle of nowhere, the truck decided not to start back up!!  Finally after about 20 minutes or so someone finally pulled in and offered to jump start our truck.  It worked!  But from that point on we decided we wouldn't turn off the truck, but would just keep it on until we arrived in Oklahoma City, our next rest stop, which was about 8 hours away from here.

Such a beautiful and clean city!! And the people are soo nice!!

While staying in Oklahoma City, we found a place that could replace our truck's battery.  They got us in real quick and fixed what seemed to be the problem.  Well after going back to the hotel and packing up all of our belongings to continue on our trek across the country, we get back into the truck and stop for gas again before making our way to Texas and wouldn't you know it, it didn't start up again!!  After hours at the dealership we ended up leaving with a rental and no definite diagnosis! But we did get to stay another night in this amazing city.

And here we both are sharing a HUGE Hurricane drink at the "Bourbon Street Cafe" in Bricktown Oklahoma City.  After a day with two bored kids at the dealership and getting stuck at yet another gas station for about an hour, we really had no other choice but to drink.  

Enjoying Oklahoma City.

Having fun getting wet at the water fountain.

Beautiful canal in the center of the city.

Spent the day at the Oklahoma City Zoo....while the car was being fixed...again!

The zoo monkeys.

We made our way through the northern part of Texas, via the city of Amarillo.

We had ribs and burgers in the parking lot because we were too afraid to turn off the car, in case it might not start again.  Good times.

The restaurant is best known for its 72 ounce steak, which if eaten in under an hour, is free.  

Since we lost time in Oklahoma City, we decided to forge ahead after eating BBQ in the parking lot in Texas.  We drove all night until we finally made it to Albuquerque, N.M.  Never again!!  We were exhausted!!  Here we are at the infamous Frontier restaurant seen on Man versus Food, after eating bean burritos for breakfast.  With the time changes and staying up all night our bodies are pretty messed up.

Back on the road again.  The scenery has definitely changed!  How amazing to be able to drive through canyons!  The desert is pretty spectacular!

On our way to Flagstaff, we stop at this little mom and pop restaurant for some good ol' southwestern food.

Grand Canyon!  One of the most spectacular places in the world!  We were both brought to tears by the awe inspiring views of the canyon..however Erik's tears were running down his leg and not his cheek...  He hates heights!!    :)

Erik's nervous smile.  

Joss and the free roaming elk.

Never want to leave!

Even the gas stations have amazing views in the desert!!

While driving up to Salt Lake City, we decided to stop for breakfast at Bryce Canyon.  

Unbelievable views of the red rock!!

People we met in Bryce Canyon were so warm and friendly.  They even let Joss ride one of their horses!  She couldn't stop smiling and at the end of her ride didn't want to get off.

Thank you Helen, for making Josslyn one of the happiest girls ever! :)

Twin Falls, Idaho..a place we happened to stumble upon when looking for a restroom stop.
We had no idea that this place would be so magnificent!!

Twin Falls happens to be the base jumping capital of the US!! People from all over the world come here to jump, like these two guys from Chile!

Love this picture of them getting ready to jump off the bridge

If you look close you can see one of them standing on top of the bridge getting ready to jump off the railing!  Crazy!!!!!

We decided to also visit the Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, Idaho, since we were here. And wow!!  We were not disappointed!!  All of this, just because we decided to stop here for a bathroom break!!  Amazing!

Made it to our last stop, Boise, Idaho before reaching our destination.  We couldn't get over how beautiful Boise was.  So clean, and full of trees (hence the name "The City of Trees") and the people were so nice!  We are definitely thinking about stopping here on our way back from the Northwest.

Auty wearing the hat we won after betting on the Kentucky Derby race.  Our little Homie.  :)

Here is what Joss looked like before she went into the fountain after telling her to not get too wet.

Here she is about 5 minutes later!  :)