Friday, July 26, 2013


Delicious and Nutritious Chicken/Bone Broth

At the Farmer's Market the other day we were about to buy some bone broth, when we thought, why not ask and just see if by any slight chance they were selling the bones instead.  I was shocked!  Not only did they have bones, but they also had feet too!!  Instead of buying a quart for $8, we bought two bags of bones and feet for only $11!  Which will in the end, make about 8 quarts!  So worth it!!


About 2 pounds or more of Chicken bones and feet (if possible)
2 carrots roughly chopped
2 sticks of celery roughly chopped
1 onion roughly chopped
2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
filtered water
optional bunch of parsley

Place the bones and feet in a large stockpot, along with the vegetables.  Fill with filtered water until about an inch or so above the bones and vegetables.  Add the apple cider vinegar and let sit for about 20-30 minutes, supposedly this helps make the nutrients in the bones more available.  
Bring it to a slight boil, then turn it down quickly to a simmer.  Let it simmer for about 24 hours if possible.  During the first few hours of simmering, skim the surface off of any foam/impurities.    During the last 30 minutes add the parsley for extra nutrition.

After 24 hours, allow the broth to cool.  Strain the bones and vegetables from the broth and either place in the refrigerator to allow the fat to solidify at the top so it can easily be removed and used for cooking with later or just keep it in there.  Next start pouring into gallon mason jars.  Keep in the refrigerator for up to five days or freeze to use at a later time.  The broth should be somewhat gelatinous in consistency.  

Uses for the Broth
-cooking rice, millet, couscous, etc.  Use broth instead of water.
-base for many kinds of soups.
-drinking a cup daily for good health.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Unexpected Stay on Whidbey Island

On our way home from Lopez Island we decided to take the scenic route, as usual, through Whidbey Island.  Here is the bridge, also known as Deception Pass, that you drive over to get to Whidbey Island.  Many Orcas are seen in these waters, but not by us.  :(

Whidbey Island has a Naval Air Base which allowed Erik to see quite a few fighter jets.  Pretty cool!

Instead of driving straight through Whidbey Island I begged to stop in the quaint little town of Coupeville, also the place where Practical Magic was filmed.  Joss and myself usually watch that movie around Halloween time, so we were definitely star struck when we got to Coupeville.

Crazy enough we ended up stopping for lunch at the same store that was used as a potion shop by the character Sallie in the movie.  Joss was in her glory!  As was I  :)

Then as we started heading back to the car to go home, we walked pass this Inn and decided to see if there were any vacancies just for kicks.  (I mean we all were in need of a hot shower).  We were in luck!  Not only did they have a room available, but it turned out that this hotel was the same one the crew and cast members of the movie Practical Magic stayed inn!!  Well Joss and I were sold.  :)

Just enjoying the adorable little town. (population 1680)

A view of the town which felt like we had stepped back in time.

It was sailboat racing week.  So many beautiful boats were out in the waters.

High Tide

Crazy low tide the next morning!

High Tide

Low tide.

Auty and Daddy looking for Sea Treasures

Camping on Lopez Island

On the ferry that brought us to Lopez Island.

Autumn had a blast running around the boat.

Setting up camp at Spencer Spit Campgrounds. 

Auty helping out.  :)

Just a 5 minute walk from our campsite

Water is still a little chilly, but warmer than the Oregon Coast.  

Houses built out of the plethora of driftwood found along the beaches.

Took a drive up to the Shark Reef Sanctuary for a little hike, but no swimming.  :)

Beautiful and very serene.

We did not see any sharks, but did see many sea lions and seals.  The landscape was sensational.

Artwork found along the hike.

After our hike we decided to drive around and find a place for the kids to play in the sand and the water.  This is just some of the landscape we saw along the way.

This was one of our stops to find some driftwood and seashells for some arts and craft projects.

Here we are at Watmough Bay looking for agates.

Kids found some Bullwhip Kelp that was about 30 feet long!  They had fun playing with it.  Didn't know what to do with it until a guy came along and showed us.

Here he is whirling it around his head about to make a huge snapping sound with the whip that echoed like a gunshot through the cliff walls that surrounded us.  Crazy!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Welcome to the Emerald City!!!

After a pretty long drive from the Oregon coast, since we took the scenic routes, we were all beat!  Not only did we just want to get out of the car, but we were in no mood to try and back our trailer into our narrow little driveway with cars parked everywhere in the street making it almost impossible to do so.  Fun, Fun.

The Troll under the bridge!  So neat!

Here is the bridge. I love how they have used the land under the bridge as if the bridge wasn't even there.  

Joss hanging out in the clutches of the troll

Love the profile!

Here we are down at Fishermen's Terminal, a memorial site for those that have lost their lives at sea.

We are staying in the Fremont section of Seattle which we are loving.  It is very quirky and eclectic.  An example of its quirkiness is this huge statue of Lenin in the middle of Fremont's downtown.  

Pretty sidewalk.

Beautiful house boats

A drawbridge that is fun to watch.  Because it is so low, it has to open for even privately owned boats, like this one shown in the picture.  The people from the boat use their air horn to let them know they need to get through.  Then the workers operating the bridge will signal back with a horn of its own.  Each blow of the horn tells them in minutes, how long it will be before they will be able to open the bridge.  The kids love this bridge.

Our new pets for the month.  Four, beautiful black ducks.  They have just started laying three eggs a day!  We still have not tried any of the eggs yet, have been using up the chicken eggs we have first.  We have heard duck eggs are very rich.  They are definitely bigger than chicken eggs, with a much bigger yolk.  They are a little intimidating.

Auty playing in the duck house.  

Walking up our street after a stroll around Fremont.  Had no idea Seattle was such a beautiful city!  

Josslyn's 6th Birthday!

While staying in Pacific City, Oregon we had no WiFi, so our blog updates are a little behind.  It however allowed us to read lots as well as watch the first season of Weeds, which we loved! Most places we have stayed at have not had TV's or TV's that work well, so this was our first time actually watching TV on this trip.  It's all good.  Anyway onto our posts.

For Josslyn's 6th Birthday we surprised her with a day at the Aquarium in Newport Oregon.  When we finally arrived she couldn't stop smiling.  

This Otter, also known as Judge, was adorable!  So friendly.  

Autumn loved the seals.  

Pretty Jossy. :)

In the tunnel of sharks.  Auty seems to be a little nervous.

Joss and Erik in the Hurricane Simulator.  It went up to 70 mph.

There was a little fish market for "kids" to play at.  When I turned around I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Erik wearing the kid's apron, weighing fish with Joss.  

Auty and Joss managing the fish market.

After the Aquarium we took Joss down to the Historic Bayfront in Newport for some lunch.  It was very cute!  Full of adorable little stores and restaurants, as well as a working marina.  

Newport, Oregon Bayfront

Joss so excited to blow out her candles on the brownies she requested as her birthday cake this year.  

Here she is blowing out her candles as hard as she can.  LOL!