Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fourth of July

Whalen Island

Went for a Fourth of July hike at Whalen Island, hoping to find Bald Eagles.  

Did not have any luck in finding Bald eagles, but did end up hiking on an amazing trail.  

While Auty napped in the stroller, we were able to hike down some beautiful paths that eventually led to the ocean

Beautiful!!!   Saw some people clamming and camping out near by. 

Joss said she found a little Christmas tree farm that she wanted to check out.  :)

Auty's awake..

Playing in the sand and looking for clams.

One minute you are walking through what appears to be a forest full of moss and dense vegetation.  The you come upon what appears to be the dessert, where the dirt and rock paths turn to sand.  Pretty neat!

Love the moss..

After our hike we decided to drive along the coast and find a place to eat..  The views were amazing!  We also ended up seeing a Bald Eagle!!!  Pretty amazing!

We also saw from the road people riding on the dunes..  Looked like fun!

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