Saturday, September 14, 2013

Aloha Hawaii!!!

After about 3 days of the stomach flu and trying to pack up the trailer at the same time, we were very happy to even make it to the airport on time.  We left our car at Erik's friend's (Sean Gowrie) house in Woodinville, Wa, who then drove us to the airport bright and early Sunday morning.  Autumn and Joss were soo excited to get on a plane and sit there for 6 hours watching movies.  :)  We were also excited to go somewhere new for the next month, not to mention an island called Hawaii!!

The kids after finding out we were only a few minutes away from landing in Hawaii!!

This is our friendly abode for the next month!!  It is the perfect island getaway!

Our new house pet, Gordon the Gecko..  He eats all the bugs, but also poops anywhere and everywhere.  

We all woke up in the wee hours of the morning, the first night there, since we were three hours earlier than Seattle.  We decided to take a shower in the outdoor shower! 

Our view from the upstairs bedroom, where everyone is sleeping together :)

Our backyard!  It is full of lime trees, avacado trees, a banana tree, mango trees, passion fruit vines and coconut trees!  Not only are there a lot of fruit trees, but there are also a lot of mosquitoes at dusk.  Autumn had been bit on her left foot, and it became soo swollen it actually bruised!!  Poor thing!

The view two miles down the street at Pololu Valley.  Gorgeous!!

Here is the actual valley.  Stunning!!  Loving Hawaii!!

1 comment:

  1. Jess, Erik, Joss and Auty
    It looks like an absolute dream adventure for you guys! I love the pics! You can truly see the happiness and love in your faces in all the pics you post on your blog! I am so happy for all of you but miss you terribly!! lol I love the house! How awesome is it to walk out your door and have all those things to pick from in your garden! The girls look so beautiful and getting so big!

    Have a great time there!! Love to you all!! Kisses and hugs to the little ones! xoxo

    Love Danielle
