Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Back in Bend

The flight back to Seattle from Hawaii wasn't too bad, even with two little ones.  We picked up our trailer and truck and headed back over to Bend, Oregon.  Since Bend is one of our top choices, we wanted to see what it was like this time of year.  It has definitely exceeded our expectations.  The weather everyday has been 70 and sunny, with nights in the 30's/40's.  The colors of the trees are so brilliant that you can't help but sometimes mistake it for the colors of the northeast, which shocked me.  The evergreens are still full of the familiar scent of pine that we had left in the spring, and make a beautiful green backdrop to the reds, oranges and yellows that are standing proud this time of year.  Everything is as beautiful as we remembered and so much more.

This is one of our favorite cafes in Bend.  It is only a few blocks from our house and has the best breakfast and smoothies/kombucha.

Stopping to play in the leaves on a walk around the neighborhood.

Auty helping to decorate the windows for Halloween.

Taking a hike at Shevlin Park to check out some of the Fall colors.

Aspen trees were everywhere, full of the most beautiful yellow color.

Trying to take some family pics with the sun starting to set and bringing in beautiful light to the fall leaves.

While getting a cup of coffee we stumbled upon a broken escalator.  In most places they would just hang a boring sign saying out of order.  But in Bend, they make art out of it instead.  Love it!

Smith Rock!  One of favorite places that we had visited last time we were in Bend.  It was just as, if not more beautiful than last time we were in Bend.

When we started our walk, Joss took the camera from me and started taking shots herself.  That kid has a great eye for photography.

In this picture she said she was trying to get a little something in the foreground to make it more interesting.  Really????  What six year old says that?

Some sort of snake we saw swimming up to us while hanging out on the beach.

By getting Auty into the backpack we were able to go much further with our hike this time.  

So many rock climbers were out this day.  It was almost 80 degrees!

It was such a beautiful day.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Our Last Day on the Island

On our journeys we have met so many wonderful people!  That has been one of the best things about this trip.  The people we have met have made all the difference in the world when it came to the places we have visited.  While in Hawaii we met many wonderful people, but one family in particular, really made it hard to say good-bye to at the end of our month long stay, The Brodericks.  

The day before leaving the Big Island, Joss went to school with Bella Broderick.  This has been her first time back to school since April.  She was soo excited!!

On the way to school she changed in the car into the school uniform, so she wouldn't stand out.  

The school was very small, only about 6 kids in grades K-3.  The principal was also the teacher AND the bus driver!  He is an amazing teacher who really cares and loves what he does.  And the kids loved him just as much!  

When Joss first got to school, kids from all classes got together and sang some songs, preparing for their field trip to the nursing home to sing to the elderly.  

While Joss went to school, Erik and I went with Noah and Mandy for some off-roading.  Noah stuck some lawn chairs in the back of his truck and off we went.  

Found a nice spot along the coast with some breath taking views to stop and take a break and drink some ice cold Miller Highlife

Hanging out just shooting the sh**.

Erik loved Noah's truck

A view near the edge of the cliff.  So purdy!!

A view of the dirt roads from the back of the truck

Later that night we met up with the Brodericks for our last dinner on the Big Island.  Josslyn's teacher also made it out.  Here he is posing with Joss and Bella.  The kids just love him soo much!

Good byes are always so hard.  We will always remember the wonderful people we have met on the Big Island and because of them, Hawaii has jumped to one of the top spots on our list of places to live.  Nowhere else is the weather so beautiful.  Everyday day is filled with sun and warmth while the nights bring about ocean breezes that cool it down just enough to sleep comfortably with the windows open.  And while you lay there in bed you look up at the skies which are so brightly lit by millions and millions of visible stars.  All of this was so hard to leave as we headed out to the airport passing all the places we frequented while here on the island.  Mahalo and Aloha Hawaii.  

Learning to Surf

I have always wanted to try surfing and couldn't pass up an opportunity to learn in Hawaii.  I owe a big thanks to our new friends who insisted on teaching me to surf.  They totally went out of their way to make it happen.  This was one of the most memorable days I had while visiting the island.  

Here is Noah showing me some surfing techniques before getting in the water.  All I could think about was how the heck I was going to even be able to balance on the surfboard when in the ocean, not to mention surf.  I also just found out that there were tons of sharp, pointy sea urchins on the rocky bottom of the ocean where we were about to surf.  Oh great!

After being knocked around by a few waves, watching every step I took as not to step on any sea urchins, I finally made it on the surfboard and into the waves.

I did it!  I was actually able to sit on the surfboard and "look" like a surfer.  That was enough for me. :)

A perfect little swim hole for Joss, while mommy surfed.  Joss has become quite a swimmer on our trip.  Of course Erik was on the beach watching Joss and listening to Auty whine for about an hour and taking the best pics :)  


While sitting comfortably on my surfboard, feeling accomplished, Noah pushed me to the next level telling me to get ready for the wave that was coming.  Here I am turning my surfboard around ready to start paddling my arms, hoping I wasn't going to get pummeled by the wave and hit the ocean floor full of sea urchins.  

Instead of falling I actually stood up on my board.  I couldn't believe it!  What a rush it was to be standing.  And although this wave looks small in the photo, I swear it looked soooo much bigger in person :)  I had such a great time and will remember this day forever.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our Little Getaway on the Big Island

For Autumn's 2nd Birthday we planned a little trip to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, about 3 hours from where we were staying in Kapa'au.  Because of how far it was we decided to make it into a little 3 day getaway.

When we first arrived in Hilo, the city about a half hour outside of the Volcano National Park, we walked the streets filled with quaint restaurants and shops.  As we walked, Air Force Jets, flew right over us, one right after another.

We found a great all natural food store right in the heart of downtown Hilo, that actually had reasonably priced food (for Hawaii).  Auty found herself a little birthday gift, a unicorn that she bought for herself.  She was so excited about her new "horsey"and carried it with her EVERYWHERE.

I love this picture.  Not only do I love it because it came out great, but also because this was Autumn's idea to have this picture taken.  She leaned up against Erik and said "Take my picture."  

For Autumn's birthday we also took her to the local candy shop.  Here she was describing to her Horsey all the different types of candy there were in the candy shop. 

Here is a shot of a pillow fight between Erik and Joss.  It was priceless watching the smiles on their faces.  Sometimes you just need to release some energy, and laughter seems to be the best way to do that. 

At breakfast on the morning of Autumn's Birthday, we whipped out all the Dora paraphernalia we had brought with us.  Sunglasses, plates, napkins and of course she was wearing her Dora shirt.  

Joss and Auty were soo interested in what the Park Ranger had to tell everyone on the walk to see the volcano.  Joss was especially interested in the stories about the Goddess Pele.

Kilauea releasing some tension.

Thurston Lava Tube, which is a lava cave that is over 500 years old!  It was pretty amazing to walk through something made by flowing lava.

Jagger Museum has an exceptional view of Kilauea Volcano.  While at the museum a Japanese tour bus rolled up to see this amazing view of the volcano.  To our surprise, we found more than half of them stopping to take pictures of Autumn before even taking a glimpse of the volcano.  They just loved her.  

Since we couldn't take the kiddos to the sulfur vents up the road, due to the toxic fumes, we brought them to see the steam vents instead.  Not sure anyone at any age should be near the sulfur fumes.  :)

While looking down into one of the steam vents we noticed a hat that someone had lost.  I had looked at Erik and wondered why anyone would leave a perfectly nice hat that fell off into the steam vent.  I mean it couldn't be THAT hot in there.  So Erik and I put our feet over the steam vent and nearly melted our flip flops to our feet.  And that is why there is still a hat in there still.

On the tour we took when we first got to the National Park, we learned about these little "hairs."  They are actually pieces of glass from the volcano that are ALL over the ground but aren't noticeable unless you start looking for them.  They are also known as "Pele's Hairs," the Goddess of the Volcano/Fire.  

Devastation Trail (in more ways than one).

Autumn filling her pockets with tons and tons of volcanic rocks.  She wouldn't budge from this spot until she packed her pockets completely.  

Autumn blowing out her candle on her cake at the Volcano House Restaurant.  Right outside that window behind us you could she the volcano actually glowing!

Here it is from the Jagger Museum at night.  What a different view than during the day!

The morning of departure we looked out our hotel window and saw this beautiful rainbow.

One of the many Banyan trees found right outside the hotel we stayed at in Hilo.

After a late lunch we took a walk down by the Japanese Gardens.  

One of our favorite pass times in Hawaii has been to find local surf spots and just hang out and watch.  I have always wanted to try surfing, but haven't mustered up the courage yet to do so.