Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mile High

After our second time visiting beautiful Bend, we hit the road for our next adventure...Colorado.  Our first week stay was in Boulder.  What an amazing city!  So full of energy and progressive thinking.  Each restaurant and store more unique than the next.  

The fall in Boulder is absolutely stunning.  The trees were full of Autumn color hanging from limbs surrounding historical homes and buildings as we walked to bustling Pearl Street.

Here is Autumn getting into the Halloween spirit by hiding behind this lamp post jumping out at people screaming "Boo" as they walked by.  I have no idea where she gets this from??  ;)

Views from our hike at Chataqua Park in Boulder.


Joss hiking/running towards the Flatirons.

The 100 year flood that had just hit, really did a number on Boulder. Although it tore apart many roads and trees, it seemed to have done nothing to the spirit and energy of the city.

The most difficult part of the hike was actually taking the ROAD back to our car.

Our second week in Colorado was spent in a cute little town called Louisville, also known as the number one place in America to raise a family.  

Golden Colorado-Home of Coors Brewing Co.

The views down every road in Golden were just extraordinary.  


All I can say is WOW!!!  These are the views we had as we drove up to the Red Rock Amphitheater, a place where many big named entertainers have been lucky to perform.  

Part of the stairway leading up to the Stage.

The view from the nose-bleed seats at the amphitheater.

What a wonderful time we had in the Rockies.  We couldn't get enough of the breath taking views we experienced wherever we went. The views on this trip aren't the only amazing things we have experienced.  The best part of this trip has actually been reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.  All have opened their homes to us filling that void of not having seen friends or family from back home for the past 7 months ago. Their amazing generosity has truly warmed our hearts.  Thank you.  

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