Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holidays in Houston

Thanksgiving in Houston was lots of fun.  Lots of scrumptious food, yummy egg nog and wonderful company.  Kids had a blast running around crazy all day.

Here they are calming down at the end of a successful Thanksgiving day.

Joss meeting the newly born calves at the farm we have been getting our milk from in Houston. 

The cutest calves I have ever seen!!

Ready to open up some early Christmas gifts before the Grabowskis hit the road and make their way to Bend, Oregon.

Everyone was so excited with their gifts.  Joss loving her cowgirl boots.  

Auty opening up her cowgirl boots.  :)

Everyone admiring Abigail's make-up job.   

This is how Santa arrives at NASA...T-38 Talon.  I guess Rudolf and Co. were resting up for the big event.

Autumn so excited to meet Santa for the first time.  

Santa came with a bag full of gifts for all the "good" boys and girls.  He came to give each of them an early Christmas gift.

Although Auty seemed a little nervous at first, she did enjoy her time with Santa without one tear.  

Joss was all smiles while sitting next to Santa. What a fun morning for them both.  

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