Sunday, June 9, 2013

City Fair

First line of business was the haunted house.  Joss wanted to go in here before anything else.  I was so proud!! :)

We started off slow...

Then decided to step it up a notch and go on The Scrambler.  Being that I haven't been on this in years, I had completely forgot what to expect..

Holy Crap!! I definitely didn't remember this ride being as scary when I was little!!  This was the only pic I could find of me not looking like I was going to die.. So much fun!!

Our next ride.. Joss started contemplating whether or not she should be doing this...She ended up 
loving the ride!

Me too!! :)

Auty looking very perplexed..

Auty wishing she could go on the "swings."

Auty and Joss playing with the ducks.. 

Had a great time!! Joss was very sad to leave..

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