Sunday, April 21, 2013

Random Thoughts

In just the few weeks that Erik has been home, he has become so much more connected and close to both Autumn and Josslyn.  So much so that Autumn has become "Daddy's Little Girl".

Erik's AFib episodes have started to become less frequent and less intense.  Amazing!!

As I was leaving the hotel today I noticed the doors were power operated and needed to be opened by pressing the big, square, silver button.  After pressing the button, the door opened, but it opened ever so slowly.  This made me annoyed the first few times, still being in high stress, fast paced NJ mode.  Then by the fifth time or so that I opened the door, I realized there was a wonderful message waiting to be learned.  The door was giving me more time to breathe and slow my fast paced self down before entering the outdoor world for the day. It reminded me to SLOW DOWN and BREATHE! 

One thing we have noticed while on this sabbatical is that when stuff hits the fan, like our truck breaking down every other day in the middle of nowhere, we are not upset or angry.  We handle the situation with poise and rationality.  We realized, that with no time constraints with things such as work or school or anything else for that matter, you don't freak out as much when things go wrong.   You have all the time in the world to remedy the situation without feeling under pressure.  Having no schedule is a beautiful thing.

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