Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Carolinas

We never thought it would finally arrive.  The day that we would hop in the car at midnight, hoping the kids would sleep for most of the night, and make our way down the turnpike to our first destination of many.  After weeks of packing, selling/donating half our belongings, organizing and reorganizing what we would bring for the year about a million times and then some, it finally happened.  We left with so much excitement and hope in our hearts for a year of building memories, exploring the country and just living in the present moment enjoying the simple things in life.

Can't believe it all fit!!  Just hoping the truck can pull such a heavy load.  Ugh!  Just to make sure, some research was done online about the truck and some pretty reassuring videos popped up.  :)

                                                        Our first stop is Raleigh, N.C.

Chapel Hill was absolutely beautiful!

Running around one of the largest and most beautiful trees on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill.  There is definitely something very invigorating about being on a college campus while school is still in session, especially one as beautiful as this one.  It makes you want to learn and be a student all over again!

We sampled everything at the Farmer's Market at UNC Chapel Hill...Yummy....

We found a perfect spot for us to relax while the kids kept busy in the sand.. looks like the beach but was actually....

A volleyball court outside a dormitory  :)
Everyone was happy.

 A New Day!!

Duke University..Just like Hogwarts..

So pretty.

Instead of playing in sand, today they played in a clover patch  :)

Love all the trees down here!!  So Big and Beautiful!!!

Welcome to the deep south!  Love it here!!

This is the road we drove down for miles, on our way to our rental for the week.  Absolutely love the spanish moss hanging from the amazing old south oak trees!  Could look at this all day.

On our nature hike today, Josslyn asked, "Is that an alligator?".... She was not only right but she was the first one to see it (good parenting).

Upon closer inspection, there were actually two alligators!!  And they were hanging out about 200 ft from our house!!  Good times..

A little too windy for the beach..50 mph wind gusts! 

The day spent roaming the cobblestone streets of beautiful downtown Charleston and its beautiful parks.

Why take a picture here??  A place that lacked any kind of scenery?  Because Autumn decided to sit here and not get up.  Lol!  The person who took the picture looked very confused.

The "Once-ler"

Enjoying Waterfront Park in Charleston.  The kids had fun walking barefoot in the fountain and getting way too wet for the drive home.

Since it has been unseasonably cool down here the beach has been hard to get to.  Finally, we were able to get the kids to the beach for a fun day of sandcastles and playing in the tidal pools. 

After Joss begged us both to have one of us take her in the water..Daddy is the best!! :)

Sitting outside eating dinner.  Joss is showing off her outfit that she was so excited to wear.  She is loving her cowboy boots!

A beautiful day at the Magnolia Plantation.  We visited the magnificent gardens, the petting zoo, and the majestic plantation home.

Auty totally has a mind of her own, making it very difficult to see the gardens. She was not happy with staying on the trails, but wanted to stomp through the flowers instead.  Here she is taking a break from all her mischief.

Sooo beautiful!!

Looked so magical here!!

 This however..not so much!!

Sisters :)

So sweet!

The petting zoo was really cute!

Relaxing while a huge storm rolled in.  


  1. Thank you, Jess, for taking the time to update this blog! I am enjoying this trip "with you"! Soak up every minute! Relax! Take your time! I will never ever regret the years of homeschooling my children and of all the road trips here and abroad we took together learning life together and seeing firsthand God's creation! xxoo

  2. Thank YOU for reading our blog!! I am so excited for this year and all the time we will get to share with each other. I am slowly stepping into the homeschooler role. It has been fun so far, just a little overwhelming when it comes to figuring out a curriculum/order of doing things with Joss. Any suggestions?

  3. When we traveled the states and overseas, I made sure we geared our studies around where we were going to be. For instance, we studied colonial american and ended up visiting Williamsburg. We used Dover coloring books and American Girl books of the time period. We listened to audio tapes. We kept a journal of all the states we went to/thru and had research and fun facts on each of them. They knew the states, capitals, birds, etc. Tried the food there. For math, they budgeted. OH, everywhere we went, they carried a composition book and if they could find anyone to "interview" they asked 3 important questions. When Caleb was too small to write, he drew a picture or we taped a brochure in, but he still had to sit and act like he was drawing or asking questions. We let them self direct their learning so they could LEARN TO LOVE TO LEARN. This way, if there is anything they need to or desire to know how to do, they know how to study and find out how to do it. We used libraries, museums. ALWAYS ask for a home educator discount. Lots of places will give you extra time if they know you are wanting to teach your children. With math, we always rounded things up. we set a "standard" that said daddy made $10 per hour and how long would he have to work to pay for this drive thru chick fil a lunch when we could make sandwiches and we could buy a book to keep! They kept a ledger of expenses. We also did the envelope system with them. 10% tithe to church, 20% long term savings (car),10% mission trip, 10% help someone in need, 50% spending
    If you need ideas on curriculum, let me know. Also, if you head down to South Florida, feel free to give me a call! You are more than welcome here! 561-373-6824

  4. thank you for all the wonderful ideas! especially the home educator discount! i will probably be calling you when we get settled and we have to become more serious with homeschooling. :). thank you!!
