Friday, May 2, 2014

Life Happens..

The last couple of months flew by! Once we settled into Bend and stopped living the lives of gypsies, I realized how fast life can pass you by.  From Erik working everyday again and Joss at school, to filling our weekends with countless hours of exploring our new home and meeting new people, time has passed us by a little too quickly for my liking.  Even though I am finding it hard to slow time I am enjoying every minute of our new lives and everything our new home has to offer.

From the rare rainy day at an indoor archery range...

Joss was so excited for our day of Archery at Competitive Edge.  For only $5 bucks a person you get a compound bow and some arrows and a target that you can shoot for as many hours as you are willing to do.

Auty was our arrow collector and holder. 

Erik and I as usual had a little bet going to see who could get closer to the bull's eye.

I won.. :) Not by much, but enough to matter. :)

Joss teaching Auty how to load a bow.

To exploring the outdoors on a beautiful warm winter/spring day...

Metolius River.  Only an hour away and you are in a whole different climate.  Started to feel more and more like a rainforest and less like a high desert.  I love how easy it is to change climates in Oregon by only traveling about an hour in any direction.  

Nothing feels better than a day of hiking and exploring.  I always feel so alive.

Fish at the fish hatchery after the kids threw in some fish pellets.  They were ravenous!

A day at the Sunriver Nature Center..

To the new activities the kids are involved in..

This picture says it all about Joss and softball.  She loves playing, but if she had the choice she would do it in a dress and look fashionable at the same time.  

Auty following in her sister's footsteps

Joss has finally gotten over her fears of falling and now officially riding her bike.  Yay!!

Auty loving the big wheel.  :)

And for Josslyn's favorite activity, although a horrible picture of it, is doing a musical.  She wants to be on stage singing and performing/acting.  She loved the spring break music camp at the local music school.  She memorized all her lines perfectly, as well as everyone else's lines.  :)

To enjoying dinner with friends..

And holidays for the first time in our new home..

To a fun earth day festival/parade

To having family visit for the first time...

On our way to Portland to pick up Aunt Lori and cousin Elyssa!  We stopped on the side of the road to enjoy this beautiful tree!!  

Portland was so beautiful and full of life!  I couldn't believe how in bloom everything already was.  I love that Portland is just a couple hours away!

Had to pick up Voodoo donuts!

Family love at Smith Rock, one of our favorite places!

I loved this day.. We went hiking all over the place, then found the perfect little beach on the side of the river to dip our feet in.  It was so relaxing and beautiful!  Could have stayed there all day.

Checking out the caves.. Lori had a blast.. I however couldn't wait to get out of there.  It was so dark and freaky.. All I could think about was the TV series Walking Dead and when they were going to pop out from behind every corner we turned in the pitch black..No thank you!!

So happy we finally saw family and feel so lucky to have had them come out to our new home.  Miss you and everyone else we haven't seen over the past year.  Looking forward to visiting NJ soon!

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