Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Waterfalls on a Rainy Day

As we approached the fourth straight day of rain, we decided to get out of the house and be in the rain (do as the locals do).   We decided the waterfalls would be a great place to explore on a rainy day.

We started at Wahkeena Falls which was just stunning.  Everything in Oregon is just beautiful, "weather" rain or shine.

Wahkeena Falls up close

Next we hiked to the more popular Multnomah Falls, about a half a mile up the road.  The hike itself was just breath taking with its rainforest like feel to it and the brilliant green colored moss dripping from every tree and rock.  

Love the Moss!  Felt like we were in the movie Twilight. 

The kids making good use of their raincoats.

Absolutely spectacular!!  

Everyone was actually facing the camera and smiling.. However there is some kind of cloud or something over my face.  Like from the movie The Grudge.

Another Twilight-like view of the beauty that surrounded us.

Hiking up to the bridge for a closer view of the falls.

We made it to the bridge.  So so so pretty..

This was our view in front of us...

And this was our view behind us.  A successful day in the rain for sure.

Celebrating Summer Solstice

Every Summer Solstice we make something to celebrate the longest day of the year.  This year we made a fairy house and..

Rosewater, which Josslyn loves to use as perfume.  What better place to make rosewater than in the City of Roses. 

Here Joss is waiting for a fairy to move in.  She brought the fairies raspberries to eat and made beds for them as well as a meditation room.  Too funny!  And what do you know, a fairy ended up moving in ;)

Here is Auty finger painting for the very first time.  She really didn't care for it as it made her fingers too messy.

Joss was having fun drawing as usual.

Oxbow River Park

Oxbow Park was the perfect find for a sunny day, which have been few and far between since coming to Portland, so we wanted to take full advantage of this beautiful, warm day.  The river, although somewhat cold, was perfect for them to frolic in and build sand castles.

Autumn pretending to pout

Everyone was having fun, including mom and dad who were able to sit back and relax.  It's these rare moments that allow us to reenergize our batteries.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fun at Waterfront Park

After we found out the Willamette River and Columbia River are highly contaminated rivers, much like the Hudson River, we decided to take the kids to the fountains for some clean water fun.  They had a blast!

Joss running around like a mad woman.

She definitely has her Dad's sense of humor.

Auty just noticed the hundred faces of Dora on that little girl's underwear. After that she quickly started stalking her and touching the faces of Dora on her hiney.  LOL!

And here she is again, STILL stalking the poor little girl.

Speaking of hinies.. out of nowhere about 50 bikers rode by buck naked ringing the bells on their bicycles so everyone would turn around and look their way.  Only in Portland!  Love it!

Living Green in Portland

Eggs from a wonderful woman who owns a farm about 30 miles south of Portland.  The one egg on top is the first egg we got from our hens out back in the yard. Everyday Joss checks to see if the hens have laid any eggs.  Until finally it happened!!  She was besides herself!!

Joss and Auty at the farmer's market picking out dinner.  Joss was ecstatic to have clams again for dinner.  She can't get enough of them!

Auty hanging out listening to the man play the Didgeridoo.  

Joss really wanted to have a bow and arrow to play with.  So Daddy found a shoelace, some sticks and a paper towel roll..and made Joss one happy girl.  She couldn't stop playing with it all night.  

Josslyn practicing her skills...poor Auty...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Camping Out In Sasquatch Country

Lost Lake Campgrounds in Mt Hood National Forest

Sasquatch himself

And his long lost cousin..  :)

Our campsite.  Each campsite was so secluded and beautiful.
Never camped in such an amazing setting before.

Taking a stroll around the lake keeping an eye out for Bigfoot.  Joss was determined to find him.

Auty not loving the baby carrier, of course.  But we will keep on trying.  :)

Time to build a fire..

Joss also helping, but realizing she just got a splinter.

Dindin time.  Hotdogs and baked beans...Everyman for himself  :)

Kids trying to find fun things to do while they wait for smores..playing footsie was first

meditating was next...

Then they decided to play in the trees..

Finally...time to make smores

Joss' face says it all..  lol

This picture shows just how majestic these trees are..  

Love Auty's laughing face in this one.

After a very long night of 40 degree weather and sleeping on rocks, we awoke to brilliant blue skies and fabulous views of Lost Lake and...

                                Imperial views of Mt. Hood, though these photos do it no justice.

Erik reflecting...

Auty reflecting

Another view of Mt. Hood on our way back home.

Also on our way home we passed the Bridge Of The Gods, the place where Cheryl Strayed, author of the book Wild (highly recommend it) finishes her life-altering trek on the Pacific Crest Trail..

She hiked this trail from Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washington state, ALONE!!
So courageous.  I keep telling Erik I would love to camp out ONE night alone on this trip just to see what it would be like.  Maybe I will muster up enough courage to do so.. :)