Saturday, June 8, 2013

Voodoo Donuts

When in Portland...We had to try the Voodoo Donuts.  Everyone kept ranting and raving about these donuts.  

After walking into the best smelling place on earth, we were told to pick out the donuts we would want to purchase by looking at a turning display case.  Joss had no idea where to begin.  She ended finding the only pink donut with a piece of bubble gum stuck on the top of it.  She was in heaven!

These were the "chosen ones."  I am pretty sure they are organic, GMO free, blah blah blah.. :) NOT!!

Auty having her first donut EVER!

Here she is two minutes later.. dancing and eating everyone else's donuts.  She couldn't believe such goodness existed.

SNAGGED!  Erik returning with yet another donut after we finished the other four!  We couldn't help ourselves :)

And they deliver!  And do Weddings!  :)

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