Sunday, June 2, 2013


On our "sabbatical," one of my objectives is to cook as much as possible and try all sorts of new recipes.  So I thought I would share some of these recipes if anyone was interested.

Gluten Free Pizza Crust


After reading the book Wheat Belly, we thought of getting rid of most gluten from our diets for a little while.  Since we love pizza so much, we had to find a "good" gluten free pizza crust or we would never make it.  
Well, we did!  This is a recipe from the Wheat Belly cookbook.  Below is a photo of the actual recipe from the book.

The only thing we did a little different was, cook the pizza half of the time on the baking sheet, then the second half of the time in the oven, we took the baking sheet away and cooked it just on the parchment paper so it would get crispier, which it did!  For gluten free, it was really good!

Chocolate "Crack" Brownies (gluten free)*

These brownies were renamed Chocolate "Crack" Brownies by a friend in Bend, Oregon.  It was a little going away gift to our friends we would miss dearly from Bend.  And was also a good dessert after our gluten free Pizza :)

Here is the Recipe:

3/4 cup blanched almond flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/3 cup fair trade dark chocolate chips or semi-sweet chocolates which give it a little sweeter taste (plus extra for sprinkling on top)
1/4 unsweetened fair trade cocoa powder
3 large eggs
3/4 cup Rapadura (sugar)
2 tsp pure vanilla**

Preheat ven to 350 degrees.  Very lightly grease an 8x8-inch baking dish with either coconut oil or butter.  In a small bowl mix together flour, baking powder, and salt.

Cut butter into chunks and place into a small saucepan and melt over medium heat.  Add chocolate chips and cocoa powder and stir until chocolate chips begin to soften.  Remove from heat and continue stirring until chocolate chips are completely melted.  Set aside to cool.

In a large bowl, add eggs, sugar, and vanilla.  Whisk together until well combined.  Then slowly whisk in the cooled chocolate-butter mixture.  

Next, slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet while whisking vigorously.  Continue whisking until no lumps.  Pour batter into baking dish and sprinkle with remaining chocolate chips (1/4 cup).  Then gently press the chocolate chips into the batter and smooth out the top.  This makes for an amazing chocolaty taste!  

Bake for approximately 26-30 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

* Source -- A wonderful traditional cooking blog with lots of fantastic recipes!

** Make your own vanilla extract with about 3 vanilla beans (organic) that you slice open in a glass bottle about 16 ounces big and then fill with a quality vodka.  Let it sit for 4-6 months, shaking it once a day or whenever you remember.

Homemade Marshmallows

Joss helped me make Marshmallows today, something I have been wanting to make forever!  Joss loves Marshmallows so much, I thought it would be a good idea to make some more "wholesome" ones.  
I had ordered some grass-fed beef gelatin to make these, tummies and other fun things I thought the kids might like.

This recipe is from another wonderful blog site...

Homemade Marshmallows

  • 1 cup  filtered water (split into half cups)
  • 3 Tbls Grass fed beef gelatin
  • 1 cup organic honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla (or other) gluten free organic extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt
Grease an 8×8(or larger) pan and line with parchment paper in both directions.  Leave some length to use as handles when removing your finished marshmallows.
In your mixer bowl, add the gelatin with 1/2 cup of water
While the gelatin is softening, pour the other 1/2 cup of water in a sauce pan along with the honey, vanilla and the salt. Turn the burner to a medium high heat, bringing the mixture to a boil. Place a candy thermometer in the sauce pan and continue to boil the mixture until it reaches 240 degrees (the soft ball stage). This will take approx. 7-8 min. Immediately remove from the sauce pan from the heat.
Turn your standing mixer to low/med. Slowly pour the honey mixture into the bowl combining it with the softened gelatin. Turn the mixer to high and continue beating the mixtures until it becomes thick like marshmallow creme (about 10 min).
Turn off the mixer and transfer the marshmallow creme to the prepared pan. Remember, if using a coating, add it to the bottom of the pan first before transferring the marshmallow creme. Smooth the top (add more coating if using one). Pat to smooth again.
If you are not using a coating then lightly grease your hands with oil and pat smooth. This will keep it from sticking to your fingers. Alternatively you can press it down with parchment paper, leaving it there till the marshmallows are completely set.
Coating options: Try all kinds of crushed nuts, coconut, almond flour mixed with spices, cocoa….
Also try adding spices, coca and different flavored extracts to your boiled mixture.
When set, remove the marshmallows by lifting from the parchment paper flaps.  Cut to desired size and enjoy!
We sprinkled some cocoa powder and powdered sugar on ours.  Yummy! 

Auty loved them!!

Joss couldn't stop eating them.  The best thing about them is how healthy they are for them.  Gelatin can aid digestion, can improve immunity, can improve joint pain, supports skin, hair and nail growth,  and is a great source of protein.
So I gave her three large marshmallows and she loved every bit of them!

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